AV News Radio: The Lack of Diversity in this Industry Cannot Persist

The lack of diversity in an industry—such as mobility—that is so forcefully reshaping our way of life simply cannot be allowed. The impact of what our industry is attempting to do will alter societal norms of civilization for generations to come. Let's make sure that we are developing systems which serve everyone in a way that is accessible and equitable by building diverse teams that can bring varying schools of thought to the table and tackle issues more holistically.

I am grateful for Carl Anthony and for his work in elevating the narrative around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the automotive and mobility sectors and for allowing me the opportunity to be on his AutoVision News podcast. Although Carl and I primarily talk about gender diversity and my book Women Driven Mobility, I want to reiterate that sexism isn't the only issue the industry needs to tackle. We need to look at DEI more inclusively of race and age—just to name a few.

Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1sZe3Pz7fLAx1zpujOrvUa